Now we have got past Blue Monday, supposedly the saddest day of the year, we’re looking onwards and upwards with ways of finding wonder this month. We’ve updated our free printable bingo game from last year with things to spot in January. To play Winter Bingo all you need to do is print out one of the bingo sheets below for each person playing. Then sit at your window and get ready to start spotting the items. The first person to get 5 in a row gets a bingo! You could even have a prize for the winner each time like a sticker or small piece of chocolate.
Why not take the Winter Bingo with you on a family walk to play when you are out and about? Many families have taken to their neighborhoods for daily walks since the pandemic began last year. And this Winter Bingo is a great way to spot new things in your area you might have missed before whilst getting a new appreciation for the wonders of January.
We’ve rounded up a selection of Tender Leaf Toys to continue the winter theme to inspire including our super popular Forest Trail Kit. This set not only has an actual, working compass but also a waterproof groundsheet, a big magnifying glass and a printed nature trail card, leaf hunt card and Den Building card…
Forest Trail Kit
Safari Adventure
Fir Tree Tops
Weather Watch
Mountain Pass Stack
Patchwork Quilt Puzzle