Holiday Croquet Fun!

Holiday Croquet Fun!

Holiday Croquet Fun!


Can you believe we’re over halfway through the half-term holidays? Time is flying by! If you’re anything like us, you’ve been busy keeping the kids entertained. One of our favorite moments so far has been playing croquet in the park! We have a fun and free printout with all the rules on how to play croquet here. We printed our rules out and customised them with cardboard and black paint. Then popped it onto a bamboo stick so it can go into the grass ready for when we play!

Croquet is great because it’s easy to learn and gets everyone outside and moving. It helps with coordination and teaches a bit of strategy, too. Plus, it’s a fun way for the whole family to play together!

Here’s to enjoying the rest of half-term! Hope you all have a great time and remember if you are playing with any of our wooden toys this week please tag us so we can see them too!

Download Woodland Indoor Croquet Set Printable

Woodland Indoor Croquet Set